Laravel — P26: Single Action Controllers

Simplifying Laravel: The Power of Single Action Controllers

Controllers are there to make our lives simpler, not to make them more complex. However, even when we separate the logic out of our route files, sometimes the controllers themselves can also become cluttered. That’s one use case for a Single Action Controller.

The Single Action Controller will contain a specifically named method: __invoke(). Naming the method __invoke() will eliminate the need to call it from our route. Instead, we can just call the Controller itself.

Creating the Single Action Controller

Creating the Single Action Controller is no different than creating a regular controller. In your terminal, type in the following:

php artisan make:controller SacTestController

That generates a new controller skeleton for us.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SacTestController extends Controller
Within our controller, we need to add the __invoke() method.

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SacTestController extends Controller
    public function __invoke()
        return "I'm being invoked. I know...original.";

And that does it for our Single Action Controller. Nothing more complex than that. Now we just need to create a route to call it.

Single Action Controller Route

The only difference that you’ll see is that the method itself is not going to be called. Since there is no method call, we do not pass an array like we did previously. For example, when we created our show method, we had the following route:

use App\Http\Controllers\TestController;

Route::get('/test-controller/show', [TestController::class, 'show']);

With the single action controller, the array goes away and so does the method.

use App\Http\Controllers\SacTestController;

Route::get('/test-single-action-controller', SacTestController::class);

Passing an Argument from the URL to the Single Action Controller

Again, an almost identical process. All we need to do is specify the argument that we want to pass and add it to our __invoke() method.

use App\Http\Controllers\SacTestController;

Route::get('/test-single-action-controller/{name}', SacTestController::class);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SacTestController extends Controller
    public function __invoke($name)
        return "I'm being invoked. I know...original: " . $name;

We can see it in action by visiting: The response that we get is: I’m being invoked. I know…original: Dino.

Single Action Controllers are simple and can be used when there’s just too much logic in your standard controllers. Use it if you need it.

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