Code Along with Me – PHP: From Basic to Advanced PHP Techniques
Dive into the dynamic and powerful world of PHP with my comprehensive guide. Tailored for both beginners and seasoned developers, this book is your gateway to mastering PHP for web development. From the fundamental concepts to advanced techniques, the lessons are designed to provide a step-by-step learning experience. Whether you’re looking to enhance your programming skills or starting from scratch, my book offers everything you need to become proficient in PHP. Join me as we explore the endless possibilities of PHP programming.
Each chapter unfolds new aspects of PHP, making complex concepts accessible and engaging. The lessons are more than just theory; they are a blend of practical knowledge and real-world applications. You’ll learn how to create robust, efficient, and secure web applications using PHP. My book is not just a learning resource; it’s a reference guide for PHP developers at all levels.
PHP and MySQL Tutorial Series
Welcome to my comprehensive PHP tutorial series, meticulously crafted to lay the groundwork for mastering Laravel. As someone who has navigated the complexities of PHP solo, I’ve distilled my knowledge into this series, ensuring it’s thorough yet engaging. Unlike dry readings of a manual, these tutorials are infused with practical insights and real-world applications. They are designed to equip you with a robust understanding of PHP’s core principles, setting you up for success in Laravel. Whether you’re starting fresh or refreshing your skills, join me on this journey to unlock the full potential of PHP. This series is here if you don’t want to purchase the book. The book is simply to support me to continue writing tutorials like these for everyone.
1. Basic Syntax
PHP is leaps and bounds above where it started. It’s a modern programming language that has Object Oriented capabilities. It’s the backbone of popular frameworks like Laravel.
PHP has a few different options when it comes to comments. Frequently, it’s based on preference on which comment style you use, but other times it makes sense to use one over the other.
3. Variables Intro
Variables are just storage containers. You can store any data type that you would like inside of them. We need a brief intro, but there is more to variables that we’ll revisit in later tutorials.
4. Basic Booleans
The boolean value is a scalar data type that represents the values true and false. That’s really it. End of article. That would be a short article so lets take a look at examples before we abruptly end it.
5. Truthy Bools
Booleans represent true or false. PHP has truthy booleans, which are values that are not true or false, but when evaluated inside an expression, they can act like they are.
6. Integers
The integer data type represents whole numbers, either positive or negative or zero, not fractions. You know, integers. Like Math. Why are integers important? We’ll find out in this tutorial.
7. Floats/Doubles
Floats and doubles are the same thing in PHP. Floating points in PHP have precision for up to 14 digits. That includes the cumulative digits, before and after the period. Take a dip in the pool and bring your float.
8. Strings
A string is just a sequence of characters surrounded by quotes; strings in PHP are placed inside either single or double quotes. In other programming languages, like Java, strings are surrounded by double quotes only.
9. Simple Arrays
What is an array? In layman’s terms, it’s a way to store multiple items together under one variable. You could create different variables for everything, but sometimes that’s just not practical, or just plain ugly.
10. Associative Arrays
If you’re familiar with other programming languages, an associative array is pretty much a dictionary. Instead of accessing the array by using an index value, you’ll access it by using a key.
11. Multidimensional Arrays
What are PHP multidimensional arrays? Just think of an array within an array. In other words, it’s an array that stores arrays as elements. Those elements that are arrays themselves can have arrays as elements.
12. Variables
If you’re familiar with other programming languages, an associative array is pretty much a dictionary. Instead of accessing the array by using an index value, you’ll access it by using a key.
You’re Doing Great
We have started our journey but we will bravely venture into the world of loops, variables, and the occasional existential crisis over why a piece of code refuses to run (hint: it’s usually a typo). PHP, like a good mystery novel, keeps you on your toes – just when you think you’ve figured it out, it throws a curveball in the form of an unexpected bug. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the adventure. Remember, every PHP developer started by asking the universe why their ‘Hello, World!’ wouldn’t echo. So, stay calm, keep coding, and let’s solve these puzzles one line at a time. Who knows, you might just end up falling in love with the quirky character of PHP, much like enjoying a cup of coffee that’s slightly too bitter but oddly satisfying.
13. Variable Variables
PHP variable variables are dynamic variables, which mean that you can generate variable names dynamically. Prepend a dollar sign to a string, the string becomes a variable.
14. Constants
Constants are similar to variables except that they cannot change. They can’t change since constants are stored in the read-only-data segment. I guess you can say that we’re staring to be consistent.
15. Assignment Operator
The PHP assignment operator (=) assigns the value, or expression, to the variable; and yes, it’s different from the equality comparison operator (==). This is a common error in PHP with beginners.
16. Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic deals with the study of numbers and the operations on those numbers, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. In math, those operations are called arithmetic operations.
17. Comparison Operators
So you want to compare stuff? PHP Comparison Operators, or relational operators, test some type of relation between two values. Greater-than, less-than, is equal to. These are just a few.
18. ++ and — Operators
These are operators that either add 1 or subtract 1 from the current value. The operators can be prefixed or post-fixed and will yield slightly different results each time.
19. Logical Operators
You might have been exposed to logic in Philosophy. If you’re not familiar with logic, this may be a bit of a shock. Joking. It’s just a simple boolean operator at our disposal.
20. String Operator
The PHP string operator, also known as the concatenation operator, allows us to join two strings together. Strings need to be joined for various reasons, such as injecting a variable.
21. Array Operators
How many operators are there already? PHP Array operators are operators that are used on arrays. Who would have guessed? The first operator that we’ll look at is the + operator.
PHP was created in 1994 by Rasmus Lerdorf, initially as a simple set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) binaries written in the C programming language. Originally, PHP stood for “Personal Home Page,” as it was designed to replace a set of Perl scripts Lerdorf had been using to maintain his personal homepage. However, as PHP evolved and its capabilities expanded to support web forms and databases, it became a powerful tool for building dynamic and interactive websites. The name was later redefined to stand for ‘PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor,’ a recursive acronym, to reflect its broader use in web development.
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Great Job on Getting Through the PHP Basics
It’s almost time to ramp things up. Soon, we’ll be stepping into the world of advanced PHP, where more complex and powerful features await. Get ready to explore deeper aspects of PHP that will take your skills to the next level. The real fun is just about to begin.
22. Shorthand Operators
PHP shorthand operators are amazing! There, I said it. The shorthand operator combines the expression on the right with the assignment operator. Also, my hands aren’t short.
23. Operator Precedence
What will be done first? You’ve seen operator precedence in mathematics. The multiplication and division operators are executed before the addition and subtraction operators.
24. If Statement
The if statement is probably the first piece of code that you wrote. “If” statements are conditional, meaning that if the expression that they’re evaluating is true, it allows for code execution.
25. Else Statement
Else statements execute when the if statement’s condition evaluates to false. The expressions inside of the if statement can only execute when the conditional expression evaluates to true.
26. Elseif: Between if & else
When you have more than 2 outcomes in your decision making, you’re going to need to use the PHP elseif statement. The elseif keyword goes in between the if and the else keywords.
27. Ternary Operator
The ternary operator is a way to quickly express if/else statements. If the boolean expression evaluates to true, the “if_true” result is displayed, otherwise the “if_false” result is displayed.
28. Switch Statement
Are you tired of writing if/elseif/elseif/…/else statements? You’re not alone. There is a more elegant way to write such large statements: the switch statement.
29. While Loops
The while loop says, “while the expression is true, do something inside of the loop body.” If we passed the value “true” to the conditional expression, the loop would run forever (until PHP crashes).
30. Do While Loop
A regular while loop will skip over the loop body if the expression that’s evaluated is never true. But what if we need the contents of the body to be executed at least once? Do-While time.
As of 2021, PHP is used by over 78% of all the websites whose server-side programming language is known. This includes major content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, which are built on PHP. The widespread use of PHP in these popular platforms contributes to its dominance on the web. PHP’s ease of use, flexibility, and a strong community of developers have made it a preferred choice for web developers around the world, maintaining its relevance in the rapidly evolving landscape of web technologies.
You’re Looping Now
How are you feeling? You just entered loops. Sometimes this is a difficult concept for beginners to grasp, but I hope that you’re getting through them with little-to-no effort.
This is where ‘for’, ‘while’, and ‘foreach’ aren’t just words, but gateways to a repetitive (yet oddly satisfying) coding journey. Here, we’ve entered the loop-de-loop of PHP. If you ever find yourself going in circles, remember, it’s not you, it’s the loop! They’re like the gym treadmills of coding: they keep you moving, but you’re not always sure if you’re getting anywhere.
Just a heads-up, if you start dreaming in loops, it might be time to take a coffee break. So, let’s dive in and get loopy with PHP – in the best possible way!
31. For Loop
I use for loops way more than I use while loops. It seems like most of the time I’m reading items from a database: for loops are perfect for that. It’s time to unleash the power of the for loop.
32. Foreach Loop
Embrace the foreach loop. You can use the for loop to iterate through an array, but to really shine, you need to use the foreach loop. I use it more frequently than the for loop.
33. Break Statement
We looked at the break statement when we covered switch statements. There, the break statement was used to end the execution of the switch statement. It’s not exclusive to switch.
34. Continue Statement
Need to skip something in a loop? Use the continue statement to do so. Breaks exit loops and continues skip over a single iteration. Soon, you’ll be conducting loops in harmony with continue.
35. User-Defined Functions
Functions can be a difficult topic to grasp if you’re a new programmer. I’m sure you were exposed to functions in math, but do you really understand what the term “function” means?
36. Function Arguments
An argument is the data that we pass to the function when we invoke the function. You’re not arguing with anyone; you’re just passing data to your function. Transform data with params.
37. Functions Returning Values
Functions can return values: there I said it. When we looked at functions previously, those functions just echoed some string. Although that is one use of a function, functions are more powerful than simply echoing out statements. We can use functions to do something and then return a calculated value to us.
38. Variable Functions
PHP supports the concept of variable functions. What that means is that you can append parentheses to a variable and use it as a function call. It’s not something that you want to use frequently, but it does exist and people do use them, which means that you should know them.
39. Anonymous Functions
Anonymous functions, or closures, are functions that seem to cause a lot of stress in people’s lives. Let’s simplify this process. An anonymous function is a function without a name. This concept tends to confuse a lot of people, so read it carefully.
40. Use Keyword
Scope is the variable and method visibility that a certain portion of the program has access to. Let’s say that we declare a variable inside of a function (regular or closure). Other functions will not have access to that variable.
41. Arrow Functions
PHP introduced the arrow function syntax in version 7.4. It’s just a shorthand way to write anonymous functions, sort of. Not a complicated concept, but is typically part of the interview process, so make sure you understand them.
42. Callback Functions
This is my favorite topic to demystify. What is a callback function? It’s just a function that’s passed as an argument to another function and is then executed inside the other function.
You Just Tackled Some of the Most Complex Stuff
Congratulations on conquering the complex and intriguing world of callback functions in PHP! This is no small feat, as mastering callbacks is like unlocking a new level in a challenging game. You’ve navigated through the twists and turns of passing functions as parameters, understanding anonymous functions, and the art of asynchronous programming. This achievement marks a significant milestone in your PHP journey, showcasing your growing prowess and deepening understanding of the language’s more subtle and powerful features. Well done on this impressive accomplishment – your journey into the depths of PHP coding just leveled up. Now, let’s start with Object Oriented PHP Programming.
43. Objects and Classes
PHP has been an Object Oriented Language since PHP 5. It’s mature, powerful, and there should be no reason for anyone to hate on it any longer. Here, you’ll be using Class Blueprints to Construct Real Objects
44. Class Properties
Properties, also called Class Member Variables, Attributes, and Fields, are the characteristics of a class. Imagine them as variables placed inside of the class’s curly braces, but not inside of methods themselves.
45. Class Constants
Class constants cannot be changed, hence the name constant. They’re declared using the const keyword and are allocated in memory once per class. You’ll be keeping code grounded in a sea of variables
46. Methods
What is a method? In PHP, it’s just a function inside of a class. That’s the easiest way to think about it. Soon, you’ll be conducting code harmony through expert method usage.
47. $this Keyword
If you considered yourself the object, and you wanted to access yourself, you would use the I pronoun. If the object wants to access itself, it uses $this. Time to address the object properly.
48. Type Declarations
If you come from the olden days of PHP, you might have been spoiled by having PHP automatically declare types for you. You want to specify what type of data you want to store or return.
49. Constructors
If you’re used to other OOP languages, you’re probably familiar with the constructor. You may also remember that the constructor is named as the class name; it’s just a method that shares the same name as the class.
50. Destructors
Destructors are the opposite of constructors…go figure. The destructor method is called after the object is not referenced any more. We’ll be ending chapters in code with destructive grace, and you’ll love it.
51. Visibility Modifiers
All about visibility modifiers. We tackled public, private, and protected visibility modifiers previously, but we get to understand what they are now. You’ll soon be navigating logic’s shadows with visibility keys.
PHP 7, released in 2015, marked a milestone in the language’s development. It introduced substantial performance enhancements, reducing memory consumption and improving speed compared to its predecessor, PHP 5.6. Benchmarks showed that PHP 7 could execute twice as many requests per second as PHP 5.6. This leap in performance was primarily due to the introduction of the Zend Engine 3.0, which optimized resource usage and execution efficiency.
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More Complex Object Oriented Concepts
This is where we dive deeper into the heart of PHP’s powerful capabilities. We’ll unravel the mysteries of classes and objects and explore the nuances of inheritance and encapsulation. OOP in PHP is like discovering a secret garden of coding – it’s intricate, fascinating, and opens up a world of efficient and organized programming possibilities. So, gear up for some serious coding gymnastics as we dive into the rich, structured universe of OOP in PHP. The real magic of coding is about to unfold.
52. Getters and Setters
If we wanted to access those properties or modify them in their current state, we wouldn’t be able to. That’s where getters and setters, or accessors and mutators, come into play.
53. Class Inheritance
Who would have guessed that PHP supports inheritance? Everyone using PHP since Object Oriented Programming became a thing, that’s who. You’ll be passing down code wisdom.
54. Inheritance Chain
In the last article I mentioned briefly that you can’t extend multiple classes at once. But the parent class can itself be a child class and extend a class of its own. Can you trace the lineage?
55. File Separation
Include, Require, Require Once, and Include Once. You might have seen these at the top of a file in someone else’s code, but what does each one of them mean? Find out by reading.
56. Method Overriding
PHP’s object oriented principles allow for both method overloading and method overriding. But what do these terms mean? Breathing fresh life into logic with Method Overrides.
57. Scope Resolution
In PHP, the scope resolution operator, or the double colon ::, allows you to access constants, static properties & methods, and overridden properties and methods.
58. Static Keyword
Static methods are methods that belong to the class, and not to the object. Methods that belong to objects are sometimes referred to as instance methods. Unveiling secrets within the code.
59. Self Keyword
For static class members, we don’t use the $this keyword, we use self. That and the scope resolution operator allows us to access the static properties and methods.
60. Abstract Classes
Abstract classes are classes that start with the word abstract. If a class contains at least one abstract method, it must be declared as abstract. Abstract methods can declare only signatures..
PHP offers extensive error reporting options that help developers identify and fix issues in their code. The language allows for varying levels of error reporting – from showing all errors and warnings to suppressing them entirely. This flexibility is particularly useful during different stages of development and testing. For beginners, the detailed error messages can be a valuable learning tool, helping them understand what went wrong and how to correct it. For seasoned developers, the ability to customize error reporting levels helps in efficiently managing and debugging larger projects.
Just a Few More Objected Oriented PHP Concepts
As we continue our journey through Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in PHP, take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come. We’ve already explored some of the fundamental aspects of OOP, and you’ve shown great adaptability and understanding. But hold on to your keyboards, because we’ve still got a few more exciting OOP concepts to cover. From diving into advanced features like interfaces and traits to mastering anonymous classes, we’re about to deepen our understanding of PHP’s OOP capabilities. So stay curious, keep experimenting, and let’s unlock the full potential of OOP together. The next few steps are crucial and promise to be as enlightening as they are challenging!
61. Interfaces
The topic of interfaces. An interface resembles an abstract class but there are a few differences. With an interface, you can only define the functionality. Time to design elegant solutions.
62. Traits
There is a fundamental problem in programming languages that support Multiple Inheritance. Traits solve that problem and we’re going to see just how simple the solution is.
63. Objects as Arguments
We’ve looked at passing numerous different data types as arguments to methods, but we haven’t looked at passing objects as arguments to methods. Not as difficult as it sounds.
64. Anonymous Classes
Anonymous classes are classes without a name. If you’ve been following this article series, this shouldn’t be that foreign of a concept to you. Think back on anonymous functions.
65. Final Keyword
The final keyword can be prefixed to methods and classes. If you prefix a method in the parent class, and the child class inherits the methods, the child class wont be able to override that method.
66. Object Comparison
When using the comparison operator, PHP checks to see if two objects have the same attributes and values, and if they’re instances of the same class. Soon, you’ll be pitting titans against each other.
67. Parent Constructor
If the child class does not define a constructor, it inherits the parent constructor like any other method. If a child class defines a constructor of its own, the parent constructor will be overridden.
68. Namespaces
Namespaces are used throughout numerous programming languages. If you’re familiar with Java, you might have heard of the term package. Similar but different. Just a virtual directory trick.
69. Defining Namespaces
Defining namespaces is pretty simple. At the top of the file, right after the opening PHP tag, the namespace keyword is used, followed by the virtual directory of your choosing.
70. Sub-Namespaces
If you can define namespaces, then it’s no different to define sub-namespaces. We’re also going to look at classes with the same name from different sub-namespaces and how we’ll handle those naming conflicts that still might arise.
71. Magic Constants
There are a few magic constants in PHP that we’ll go through: __LINE__, __FILE__, __DIR__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__, __TRAIT__, __METHOD__, and __NAMESPACE__. Discover hidden truths with magic constant in PHP.
72. Errors Intro
Bugs are normally errors in code that the programmer coded, that produce a result, and that result is not correct.
73. Errors
We are programmers and we are great at what we do. Why would we think that we should ever worry about error handling?
Handling Forms – User Submissions
This is where the interactive magic happens on websites. We’ll be diving into creating and processing forms, understanding the essential superglobals like $_POST and $_GET, and ensuring security with form data. Forms are the bridge between your users and your website, allowing for a two-way conversation. Whether it’s a simple contact form, a detailed survey, or a dynamic user registration system, mastering PHP forms will open up a world of possibilities for user interaction and data collection. Get ready to add a whole new level of interactivity to your web development skills.
74. Forms Introduction
We’ve gone through enough syntax that we’re ready to start looking at some actual concrete examples, like form processing. All we want to know is how do we send data from a form to a server.
75. GET/POST Request
GET and POST requests are not unique to PHP, but it’s still something that you need to understand. HTTP requests allow for communication between the client and the server.
76. Predefined Variables
PHP automatically has access to form submission variables since they’re added to the $_POST variable. Let’s dive into the most common variables like $_SERVER, $_GET, and $_POST.
77. Basics of File Uploading
One of the most misunderstood topics in PHP for beginners. How does someone upload a file? What happens when you click upload? Where does it go? Let’s demystify this process and tackle files in PHP.
78. Check File Type
Never trust the user. Even though you specified that the user should upload an image, will they follow your instructions? Majority of the users will but there are some that wont for various reasons.
79. Check File Size
We’ve uploaded a file and restricted users from uploading all file types, but there are still a few more things that we’ll need to check like file size. Ensure that uploaded files meet your reqs..
80. Final Upload Checks
You can never be too careful especially when allowing others to upload files to your server. I recommend using a tried and tested PHP package, but we’re learning how stuff works here so we’ll do a few more tests ourselves.
81. Script to Class
Couldn’t they just have created this as a class instead of this script,” I found myself asking frequently. It’s really not that far of a stretch to do this yourself, and you will do it frequently.
82. MySQL Introduction
It is an Oracle distributed database system that runs on a server. It uses SQL syntax and is paired with PHP to the point that it’s not common to learn one without the other. MySQL is a popular Open-Source Database System.
83. MySQL Database Connection
The first step to reading or inserting data is to establish a connection to your server/database. It’s a fairly straightforward process and it’s something that doesn’t change.
MySQL – Time to Store Some Data
Gear up, because we’re now entering the exciting world of MySQL with PHP – a crucial combination for dynamic web development. This segment marks a significant leap in our journey, where you’ll learn how to interact with databases to store, retrieve, and manipulate data. MySQL, the popular database system, paired with PHP, creates a powerful duo for building robust, data-driven websites and applications. We’ll explore creating databases, designing tables, executing queries, and linking PHP scripts to MySQL databases. This is where your applications truly come to life, handling real-world data and solving actual problems. So, get ready to bring a new level of functionality to your PHP projects.
84. MySQL Tables
It’s time to create some tables. If you remember the previous analogy, the database can be thought of as an Excel Workbook and the tables can be thought of as sheets within the Workbook.
85. MySQL Insert
When you have a database connection setup, the next logical step is to insert data into the tables. You handle that with the MySQL insert command. Time to add some fresh data energy.
86. Prepared Statements
There’s one big flaw in our previous MySQL insert statement: it’s open to SQL Injection Attacks. Prepared statements virtually eliminate that concern. The rule should be to always use them.
87. Insert Multiple Records
What if you wanted to insert multiple records with prepared statements. Do you need to keep binding variables for each set of data that you’re inserting? No. Use prepared statements for bulk imports.
88. MySQL Select
A common task is to retrieve those entries and display them on the screen. That’s where the MySQL SELECT statement comes through. View all the data that you just inserted.
89. MySQL Update
The next logical step in our MySQL progression is updating an existing resource. We’re going to introduce the differences between PUT and PATCH and put it to rest once and for all.
90. MySQL Delete
The last MySQL topic is delete. Just like with our update functionality, there is no delete method. We can submit a hidden method with delete as the value. You’ll be erasing data with surgical precision soon.
91. CRUD Operations
What are CRUD operations? Create, Read, Update, Delete. The last piece of the MySQL puzzle is to combine those operations into one file. This is MySQL’s complete data toolkit.
92. Controllers
A Controller is a class that directs communication between the Model and the View. We’ll get data out of the model and send it to the View. Once the view mixes everything together, it will return.
A Few More Concepts and We’re Done
In our next phase of PHP learning, we look at the integral concepts of sessions, cookies, and date-time management. Sessions in PHP are like the secret keepers of user information, allowing data to travel seamlessly across various pages of your website. Imagine them as invisible threads connecting different pages, ensuring a consistent and personalized user experience. On the other hand, cookies are the tiny memory chips residing on the user’s browser, essential for recalling user preferences and settings over time. Together, sessions and cookies are the backbone of user interaction on the web.
Then, we’ll explore the world of date-time functions in PHP, a critical element for any application dealing with schedules, posts, or time-sensitive data. Understanding how to manipulate and manage dates and times is like having a time machine at your fingertips – crucial for ensuring accuracy and relevance in your applications. Following this, we’ll address the often-overlooked yet vital aspect of dependency management, introducing tools like Composer. This is where you learn to efficiently manage external packages and libraries, a skill that keeps your projects streamlined and up-to-date. These topics might not be glamorous, but they’re essential gears in the PHP machine, ensuring your projects run smoothly and efficiently.
93. MySQL Normalization
What does it mean to normalize a database? In a nutshell, removing duplicate content and streamlining your database. MySQL Normalization streamlines database organization.
94. Sessions
Sessions are a way to store data on the server without using the database. When a user goes from page to page, each request generates a new set of variables to help generate user pages.
95. Cookies
A cookie is small text-file with user identifiable information that’s set on the user’s computer by the server. The cookie is sent to the server each time that a new request comes from the user.
96. Primary/Foreign Keys
Primary keys uniquely identify records in a table. Foreign keys establish relationships between tables. They ensure data integrity and enforce uniqueness. It’s the concept of relational db’s.
97. Date/Time Introduction
PHP offers robust tools for working with dates and times. DateTime objects provide powerful date manipulation capabilities. Calculate intervals and perform data arithmetic in PHP.
98. DateTime Object
How do you add 2 weeks to a current date-time or how many days are between two dates? That’s where the DateTime object shines. The DateTime object simplifies date and time manipulation.
99. Dependency Management
Dependency management ensures smooth integration of software components. It’s essential for maintaining software stability and updates. This is the cornerstone of modern software development practices.
100. Carbon
Carbon is a PHP dependency that extends the DateTime class. It has a lot more simplified interface and is extremely simple to use. Carbon is the most popular PHP library for working with dates and times.
A significant milestone in PHP’s development was the introduction of object-oriented programming (OOP) features. Initially, PHP was primarily a procedural programming language. However, with the release of PHP 5 in 2004, PHP substantially enhanced its OOP capabilities, bringing it closer in functionality to other object-oriented languages like Java and C++. These new features included improved support for classes and objects, public, private, and protected properties and methods, abstract classes, interfaces, cloning, and autoloading.
Built-in Function in PHP
PHP’s built-in functions are the powerhouse tools in your PHP toolkit, designed to make your life as a developer easier and more efficient. Think of them as the Swiss Army knife of PHP – versatile, handy, and indispensable for a wide array of tasks. From handling strings and arrays to managing files and directories, these functions cover almost every aspect of programming you can think of. They are the building blocks that you’ll rely on in almost every PHP script you write. Whether you’re manipulating text, calculating numbers, or processing user input, there’s always a built-in function in PHP that can help you get the job done more quickly and effectively.
101. Built-in Functions
Through the last 100 PHP articles, we’ve used all sorts of built in functions. It’s time to collect them in one place, give a couple of examples, and add any additional ones that I might have missed.
102. preg_match()
A regular expression is just a sequence of characters that is used to search for specific patterns in a string. This enables precise pattern matching and text manipulation in PHP.
103. filter_var()
PHP’s filter_var simplifies data validation by efficiently filtering and validating user inputs against predefined or custom filters in PHP. Get ready for efficient filtering and validation.
104. String Functions
These are simple built-in functions that require little to grasp. They’re conveniently named to simplify what the operations will accomplish. Strings will bend to your will with PHP’s dynamic functions.
105. Array Functions
Array functions in PHP offer an array of tools to slice (pun intended), dice, rearrange, and transform data arrays effortlessly, allowing developers to compose intricate data symphonies with precision.
106. Magic Methods
PHP’s magic methods, including __invoke for object invocation, __toString for string conversion, and __get and __set for dynamic property handling, elevate class flexibility and clarity.
An interesting aspect of PHP is its significant role in the creation and growth of the open-source content management system (CMS) WordPress. Launched in 2003, WordPress was developed using PHP and has since become the world’s most popular CMS. As of 2021, WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the internet, a testament to its ease of use, flexibility, and the robust features PHP enables.
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Thanks For Reading
As we wrap up this series, I hope you’ve found these tutorials enlightening and empowering. The journey through PHP can be challenging, but it’s a rewarding one, paving the way for advanced frameworks like Laravel. Remember, the key to mastering any programming language lies in practice and persistence. I encourage you to experiment with the concepts you’ve learned, build your projects, and keep exploring the ever-evolving landscape of web development.
In your next steps, as you transition to Laravel, carry forward the fundamentals you’ve learned here. The beauty of PHP, and by extension Laravel, is in its community and the vast array of resources available. Don’t hesitate to post on community forums, seek feedback, and share your progress. As you continue to grow and develop your skills, remember that every line of code is a step forward in your development journey. I’ll leave you with three more concepts that you should know in PHP. Happy coding!
107. Scope Quirks
Scope defines variable visibility in a program. Variables in functions are isolated; others can’t access them. This is where you’ll have the most fun since they define the “joy” of debugging.
108. JSON
JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a way to store and transport data. Whether we’re generating JSON objects or accepting JSON objects from the client, we need to understand JSON.
109. Recursion
Recursion is not a PHP topic, but I’ve been asked about it so frequently that I thought we would do an article on it. It has been a fun ride and thanks for reading along on this PHP series.
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The series that you just read above can be purchased in book format through my Amazon account. It gives you a nice memory of how much effort you just put into studying PHP. It’s a massive book. You’ll love it! And yes, that is the lowest amount that Amazon allows me to put it up for.