Inheritance Chain

Tracing the Lineage of Functionality in Inheritance Chains

In the last article I mentioned briefly that you can’t extend multiple classes at once. But the parent class can itself be a child class and extend a class of its own. In this article, we’ll be cleaning up our Dog class. We’ve pretty much moved everything from the GermanShepherd class into the Dog class, but there are a few properties and methods that can venture even further up to Mammal and Animal classes.

Before we get into that, let’s review Inheritance with the Car class that we didn’t cover in the previous article.

The Car class contains constants like HAS_HEADLIGHTS, HAS_TAIL_LIGHTS, and HAS_TURN_SIGNALS. If you think about cars in general, each car will have headlights, tail lights, and turn signals, but not every vehicle will have those. So, we’ll leave those inside of the Car class.


class Vehicle {

class Car extends Vehicle {
    const HAS_HEADLIGHTS = true;
    const HAS_TAIL_LIGHTS = true;
    const HAS_TURN_SIGNALS = true;

Now, let’s take a look at our Car properties. Each vehicle will contain a year, make, and model, but not every vehicle needs to run on fuel: think horse-carriages. We’ll leave the fuel_type property inside of the Car object. Similarly, horsepower, torque, transmission, vehicle_type (whether it’s a coupe or sedan: not a great property name I know), and car_on can stay inside of the Car class. The dimensions can move up to the Vehicle class because each vehicle will have dimensions. Since the private properties are moving their way up to Vehicle, we’ll need to change their visibility modifier to protected if we want to access them from the Car class, which we do.


class Vehicle {
    protected string $color;
    protected string $make;
    protected string $model;
    protected int $year;
    protected float $exterior_height;
    protected float $exterior_width;
    protected float $exterior_length;
    protected string $exterior_um;
    protected float $weight;
    protected string $weight_um;

class Car extends Vehicle {
    const HAS_HEADLIGHTS = true;
    const HAS_TAIL_LIGHTS = true;
    const HAS_TURN_SIGNALS = true;

The accessors and mutators for the properties that we moved up to the Vehicle class can also be moved to the Vehicle class.That completes the movement of Car class elements to the Vehicle class.

class Vehicle {
    protected string $color;
    protected string $make;
    protected string $model;
    protected int $year;
    protected float $exterior_height;
    protected float $exterior_width;
    protected float $exterior_length;
    protected string $exterior_um;
    protected float $weight;
    protected string $weight_um;

     * @return string
    public function getColor(): string
        return $this->color;

     * @param string $color
    public function setColor(string $color): void
        $this->color = $color;

     * @return string
    public function getMake(): string
        return $this->make;

     * @param string $make
    public function setMake(string $make): void
        $this->make = $make;

     * @return string
    public function getModel(): string
        return $this->model;

     * @param string $model
    public function setModel(string $model): void
        $this->model = $model;

     * @return int
    public function getYear(): int
        return $this->year;

     * @param int $year
    public function setYear(int $year): void
        if ( $year < 0 ) {
            echo "Not a valid year";

        $this->year = $year;

     * @return float
    public function getExteriorHeight(): float
        return $this->exterior_height;

     * @param float $exterior_height
    public function setExteriorHeight(float $exterior_height): void
        $this->exterior_height = $exterior_height;

     * @return float
    public function getExteriorWidth(): float
        return $this->exterior_width;

     * @param float $exterior_width
    public function setExteriorWidth(float $exterior_width): void
        $this->exterior_width = $exterior_width;

     * @return float
    public function getExteriorLength(): float
        return $this->exterior_length;

     * @param float $exterior_length
    public function setExteriorLength(float $exterior_length): void
        $this->exterior_length = $exterior_length;

     * @return string
    public function getExteriorUm(): string
        return $this->exterior_um;

     * @param string $exterior_um
    public function setExteriorUm(string $exterior_um): void
        $this->exterior_um = $exterior_um;

     * @return float
    public function getWeight(): float
        return $this->weight;

     * @param float $weight
    public function setWeight(float $weight): void
        $this->weight = $weight;

     * @return string
    public function getWeightUm(): string
        return $this->weight_um;

     * @param string $weight_um
    public function setWeightUm(string $weight_um): void
        $this->weight_um = $weight_um;

    protected function get_make_and_model(): string
        return $this->make . " " . $this->model;

// Car Class
class Car extends Vehicle

    const HAS_HEADLIGHTS = true;
    const HAS_TAIL_LIGHTS = true;
    const HAS_TURN_SIGNALS = true;

    private int $fuel_type;
    private int $hp;
    private int $tq;
    private string $transmission;
    private string $vehicle_type;
    private bool $car_on;

    public function __construct(int $year,
                                string $make,
                                string $model,
                                string $color = "",
                                int $fuel_type = 93,
                                int $hp = -1,
                                int $tq = -1,
                                string $transmission = "5 Speed Manual",
                                string $vehicle_type = "",
                                float $exterior_height = -1,
                                float $exterior_width = -1,
                                float $exterior_length = -1,
                                string $exterior_um = "in",
                                float $weight = -1,
                                string $weight_um = "lbs",
                                bool $car_on = false
        $this->year = $year;
        $this->make = $make;
        $this->model = $model;
        $this->color = $color;
        $this->fuel_type = $fuel_type;
        $this->hp = $hp;
        $this->tq = $tq;
        $this->transmission = $transmission;
        $this->vehicle_type = $vehicle_type;
        $this->exterior_height = $exterior_height;
        $this->exterior_width = $exterior_width;
        $this->exterior_length = $exterior_length;
        $this->exterior_um = $exterior_um;
        $this->weight = $weight;
        $this->weight_um = $weight_um;
        $this->car_on = $car_on;

        echo "Connection Successfully Established";

     * @return int
    public function getFuelType(): int
        return $this->fuel_type;

     * @param int $fuel_type
    public function setFuelType(int $fuel_type): void
        $this->fuel_type = $fuel_type;

     * @return int
    public function getHp(): int
        return $this->hp;

     * @param int $hp
    public function setHp(int $hp): void
        $this->hp = $hp;

     * @return int
    public function getTq(): int
        return $this->tq;

     * @param int $tq
    public function setTq(int $tq): void
        $this->tq = $tq;

     * @return string
    public function getTransmission(): string
        return $this->transmission;

     * @param string $transmission
    public function setTransmission(string $transmission): void
        $this->transmission = $transmission;

     * @return string
    public function getVehicleType(): string
        return $this->vehicle_type;

     * @param string $vehicle_type
    public function setVehicleType(string $vehicle_type): void
        $this->vehicle_type = $vehicle_type;

     * @return bool
    public function isCarOn(): bool
        return $this->car_on;

     * @param bool $car_on
    public function setCarOn(bool $car_on): void
        $this->car_on = $car_on;

    public function turnOn(): string
        if ($this->car_on) {
            return "The " . $this->get_make_and_model() . " is already on.";

        $this->car_on = true;
        return $this->get_make_and_model() . " has been turned on.";

    public function turnOff(): string
        if ($this->car_on) {
            $this->car_on = false;
            return "The " . $this->get_make_and_model() . " has been turned off.";

        return "The " . $this->get_make_and_model() . " is already off.";

    public function drive(): string
        if ($this->car_on) {
            return "I'm driving";
        } else {
            return "You gotta turn me on";

    public function get_car_details(): array
        return [
            "year" => $this->year,
            "make" => $this->make,
            "model" => $this->model,
            "color" => $this->color,
            "fuel_type" => $this->fuel_type,
            "hp" => $this->hp,
            "torque" => $this->tq,
            "transmission" => $this->transmission

    public function __destruct()
        echo "Connection Successfully Closed";

$chevy = new Car(1997, "Chevy", "Camaro");

echo $chevy->getHp();
echo $chevy->getTq();

echo $chevy->turnOn();
echo $chevy->drive();
echo $chevy->turnOff();

Next up is the Dog class. We created the Dog class by moving some of the elements up from the GermanShepherd class. If we wanted to, and we do, we can keep extending classes from child to parent. For this example, we’ll create two more classes: Mammal and Animal. Dog will inherit from Mammal and Mammal will inherit from Animal. As you can clearly see, classes can be children and parents at the same time. The Dog class is GermanShepherd’s parent, but it’s the child of Mammal.


class Animal {

class Mammal extends Animal {

class Dog extends Mammal
    const HAS_TAIL = true;

    protected $does_shed = true;
    protected $breed;
    protected $fur_color;


class GermanShepherd extends Dog

    public function __construct(string $eye_color,
                                string $dob,
                                string $fur_color)
        $this->eye_color = $eye_color;
        $this->dob = $dob;
        $this->fur_color = $fur_color;

    public function bark()
        echo "Loud Barking";

We don’t have to look at our GermanShepherd class anymore since we’ve already moved everything that can be moved up to the Dog class. Looking at our Dog class, however, we can see that there are a few elements that can be moved up, such as the HAS_HEART constant. It doesn’t make sense to move the HAS_TAIL up since not all Mammals nor Animals have tails. The HAS_HEART constant can move its way up to the Animal class.


class Animal {
    const HAS_HEART = true;

class Mammal extends Animal {

class Dog extends Mammal {
    const HAS_TAIL = true;

    protected $does_shed = true;
    protected $breed;
    protected $fur_color;


class GermanShepherd extends Dog {
    public function __construct(string $eye_color,
                                string $dob,
                                string $fur_color)
        $this->eye_color = $eye_color;
        $this->dob = $dob;
        $this->fur_color = $fur_color;

    public function bark()
        echo "Loud Barking";

Eye Color is something that all mammals would have since an animal does not need to have eyes (I think). The date of birth is an animal characteristic, so we can move the DOB all the way up to the Animal class.

The phylum, class, order, etc, can be moved up to the Animal class, but they will need to be initialized later since not all Animals fall under the same classification. Kingdom should be kept as Animalia.


class Animal {
    const HAS_HEART = true;

    protected $dob;
    protected $kingdom = "Animalia";
    protected $phylum;
    protected $class;
    protected $order;
    protected $family;
    protected $genus;
    protected $species;
    protected $subspecies;

class Mammal extends Animal {

    protected $eye_color;

class Dog extends Mammal
    const HAS_TAIL = true;

    protected $does_shed = true;
    protected $breed;
    protected $fur_color;


class GermanShepherd extends Dog

    public function __construct(string $eye_color,
                                string $dob,
                                string $fur_color)
        $this->eye_color = $eye_color;
        $this->dob = $dob;
        $this->fur_color = $fur_color;

    public function bark()
        echo "Loud Barking";

For each of the properties that we moved up, we can also move up their getter and setter methods. Sleeping seems like an animal thing, so we’ll move the sleep() method into the Animal class. Finally, since we haven’t generated the getters and setters for the classification characteristics, we’ll create those now (i.e. getKingdom()). The only method that we won’t add is the setKingdom() inside of our Animal class, since we don’t want anyone to modify our Animal kingdom from Animalia.

And that’s it. Our GermanShepherd now has access to properties and methods from Dog, Mammal, and Animal classes. We also set properties inside of the parent classes directly from our GermanShepherd class. For example, the date of birth is passed when the GermanShepherd class is instantiated and is set inside of the Animal class. We can run the same tests that we ran before and we should get the exact same results. Not bad, inheritance.

Continue your learning with these articles

Class Inheritance



Who would have guessed that PHP supports inheritance? Everyone using PHP since Object Oriented Programming became a thing, that’s who.

Inheritance Chain

Tracing the Lineage of Functionality in Inheritance Chains


In the last article I mentioned briefly that you can’t extend multiple classes at once. But the parent class can itself be a child class and extend a class of its own.

File Separation



Include, Require, Require Once, and Include Once. You might have seen these at the top of a file in someone else’s code, but what does each one of them mean?

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