A String can operate?
The PHP string operator, also known as the concatenation operator, allows us to join two strings together. Strings need to be joined for various reasons, such as injecting a variable, or even splitting a long string so that it’s more readable in your IDE.
Let’s take a look at the following sentence (string): “I am sick and tired of creating operator tutorials.” We can echo it out or assign it to a variable. We can also split the string up using the concatenation operator and have as many strings as there are characters in it.
<?phpecho "I am sick and tired of creating operator tutorials."; echo "I am sick and " . "tired" . " of creating operator tutorials";echo "2024 can't come soon enough. " . "As soon as it does, I am " . "buying a GT-R.";?>
One thing to note when you’re splitting a string: remember the spaces. Those can get lost really quickly.
<?phpecho "Hello" . "there"; // Hellothere echo "Hello " . "there"; // Hello there?>
We can also concatenate variables to strings.
<?php$year = 2020; $make = "Nissan"; $model = "GT-R";// Outputs: 2020 Nissan GT-R echo $year . ' ' . $make . " " . $model;?>
The concatenation operator can be used with strings that are surrounded with both single and double quotes. The concatenation operator inside of a string is just a period (a punctuation mark). The concatenation operator can only be placed between two strings.
Strings can also be concatenated with numerical values, including floating point numbers.
<?php// Outputs: I am 32 years old echo "I am " . 32 . " years old;// Outputs: It is $42.99 echo "It is $" . 42.99;?>
You may have seen the dot operator in other object-oriented programming languages, like Java. The dot operator in those languages allows you to access methods and attributes of an object. Most of those languages concatenate two strings using the + operator. In PHP, we use the arrow operator, ->, to access the methods and attributes of an object and we use the concatenation operator (.) to concatenate two strings.
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Logic dictates.
You might have even been exposed to logic in Philosophy. If you’re not familiar with logic, this may be a bit of a shock for you. Only joking. It’s just another operator in our disposal that evaluates to either true or false.
A String can operate?
The PHP string operator, also known as the concatenation operator, allows us to join two strings together. Strings need to be joined for various reasons, such as injecting a variable, or even splitting a long string so that it’s more readable in your IDE.
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