Point GoDaddy Domain to DigitalOcean Droplet

Configuring GoDaddy with DigitalOcean

In another article, I write about how to deploy a Laravel Application to DigitalOcean. Now, we have to point the domain to the Droplet so that people don’t have to type in an IP address.


Once you log into your DigitalOcean account, click on the Networking tab in the left sidebar. In the image below, it’s the third link from the bottom.

You’ll be brought to the networking screen with the Load Balancers tab selected. You’ll want to click on the Domains tab to move to the Domains section.

Enter your domain name. In my instance, I’ll enter skinlabbyingarn.com. Click on the Add Domain button. You will be redirected to a screen where you can add two records. The first one is the domain name by itself, and the second one will be your domain with the www in front of it.

In the Hostname textfield, enter the symbol, select your droplet under the Will Direct To dropdown, and leave the TTL at 3600. Repeat the process again, but this time add www in the hostname. You’ll see modified domain underneath the textfield.

Click on the Create Record button each time. You’ll see your records appear under the DNS Records section.

And that’s it for the DigitalOcean configuration. Everything else will be handled in GoDaddy.


Log into GoDaddy and click on the Domain tab in the left-sidebar.

You’ll see the Manage DNS button next to your domain name; click on it. Scroll down to the Nameservers section and click on the Change button to add your nameservers. You will need to add the following nameservers:

  • ns1.digitalocean.com
  • ns2.digitalocean.com
  • ns3.digitalocean.com

At the bottom of the screen is a small text-link that states: Enter my own nameservers (advanced). That’s the one you want to click.

Add your nameservers and click on the Save button.

And that’s it. It’s time to wait. It can take up to a day for everything to propagate. Be patient and check your domain. It’ll be up and running soon.


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