Creating the Java ArrayList Data Structure

Constructing the Java Data Structure

Certain data structures in Java can be created by you (yes you). In this example, we’ll go ahead and create an ArrayList data structure that has some of the methods that the built-in ArrayList class has.

We’ll create 2 constructors:

  • The default constructor that creates an ArrayList with a default size of 10.
  • Constructor that allows an initial size to be passed to the array.

We’ll also create a number of methods:

  • void add(Object x); A method that allows you to place an Object at the end of the ArrayList.
  • void add(int index, Object x); A method that allows you to place a value at a given location.
  • Object get(int index): Allows you to retrieve a value of the arrayList array from a given location.
  • int size(); Allows you to get the number of elements currently in the Arraylist.
  • boolean isEmpty(); Tests to see if the Arraylist is empty.
  • boolean isIn(Object x); A method that sees if a particular object exist in the arrayList.
  • int find(Object x); Returns the location of first occurrence of an Object starting from location 0.
  • void remove(Object x); Removes the first occurrence of an Object starting from location 0.

I encourage you not to look at the ArrayList built-in class. See if you can figure it out on your own. The only other restriction will be to store the Objects in an array data field. Create a test class to test the ArrayList class. Name your ArrayList class so that it overwrites the built in class.

Read the notes above each method. There is a precondition that states the requirements that you’ll need to abide by before the method is called. For example, if the method requires an array of integers to be passed to it, you will need to have an array of integers ready. After the method is called, there is the post-condition. This explains what the expected output of the method will be and the steps the method takes to achieve that output.

We’ll start off with the ArrayList class. The methods that were outlined above will be added to this class.

 * Author: Dino Cajic
 * Purpose: To create a resizable array implementation.
 * Data Structures used: Array
 * Solution to the problem: The arrayList array data field will be created and
 * will store objects passed to it. The ArrayList class will have methods to:
 * 1). add Objects to the end of the arrayList array: void add(Object x)
 * 2). add Objects to a specific index location: void add(int index, Object x)
 * 3). get the object from a specific index location: Object get(int index)
 * 4). check to see how many elements are in the arrayList: int size()
 * 5). check to see if the arrayList is empty: boolean isEmpty()
 * 6). check to see if an object exists within the array: boolean isIn(Object ob)
 * 7). get the index location of a specific object: int find(Object n)
 * 7). remove the object from the array: void remove(Object n)
 * To use the class: Instantiate the ArrayList class and either pass an initial
 * size or leave blank for a default size of 10. Use the methods provided to
 * store/remove elements from ArrayList class.
public class ArrayList {

     * Stores the objects in an array
    private Object[] arrayList;

     * The current amount of elements in the arrayList array
    private int elementsInArray;

     * The default constructor that creates an arrayList with a default size of 10.
     * Precondition: Must instantiate the class without passing a value.
     * Postcondition: Initializes the arrayList array with a default size of 10.
    public ArrayList() {

     * Constructor that allows an initial size to be passed to the array.
     * Precondition: Parameter n must be larger than 0.
     * Postcondition: The constructor initializes the arrayList data field with size n
     * and initializes the elementsInArray to 0.
     * @param n | The size of the arrayList array.
    public ArrayList(int n) {
        if (n <= 0) {
            System.out.println("The size must be greater than 0. Try again.");

        this.arrayList = new Object[n];
        this.elementsInArray = 0;

     * A method that allows you to place an Object at the end of the ArrayList.
     * Precondition: Must pass a parameter x of type Object.
     * Postcondition: The method checks to see if the array is full. if it is,
     * a "double" argument is passed to the copyArray() method to double the arrayList's
     * capacity. The Object x is added to the arrayList array. The size, elementsInArray,
     * is incremented by 1.
     * @param x | The object to be added to the arrayList array.
    public void add(Object x) {
        if (checkIfArrayFull()) {
            copyArray(0, "double");

        this.arrayList[this.elementsInArray] = x;

     * A method that allows you to place a value at a given location.
     * Precondition: Must pass the index location that's within the
     * arrayList array bounds; Also must pass the Object to insert
     * at a given index location.
     * Postcondition: Checks to see if the array arrayList is full.
     * If it is, the capacity is doubled in size. The method checks
     * to see if the index that was passed is out of bounds; if it
     * is, a index out of bounds message is displayed and the
     * program is terminated. A temp Object is created and stores
     * the arrayList object at the given passed index. The arrayList
     * at the passed index is assigned the value of Object x. A temp2
     * object is declared to be used in the loop. The loop is created
     * and cycles starting at the current index location to the
     * arrayList length - 1 position. The temp2 variable is assigned
     * the Object value of arrayList at i+1 position. The arrayList
     * at i+1 position is assigned the value of temp. Then the temp
     * variable is assigned the value of temp2. This ensures that the
     * Objects passed the index value are stored in the array. After
     * the loop, the copyArray() method is called. This compacts the
     * array. i.e. if the capacity was 20, and the array has 10 elements,
     * but the user decided to add the new Object at index 15, the
     * copyArray() method would move the Object from index 15 to index 10.
     * The elementsInArray data field is incremented by 1.
     * @param index | The position where the new Object should be added.
     * @param x     | The object that should be added to arrayList at the specific index.
    public void add(int index, Object x) {
        if (checkIfArrayFull()) {
            copyArray(0, "double");

        if (index >= this.arrayList.length) {
            System.out.println("The index is out of bounds");

        Object temp = this.arrayList[index];
        arrayList[index] = x;

        Object temp2;

        // Invariant: index <= i < arrayList.length - 1
        for (int i = index; i < this.arrayList.length - 1; i++) {
            temp2 = arrayList[i + 1];
            arrayList[i + 1] = temp;
            temp = temp2;

        copyArray(0, "");

     * Allows you to retrieve a value of the arrayList array from a given location
     * Precondition: Must pass an index that's within array bounds.
     * Postcondition: Checks to see if the index is within the arrayList bounds. If it's not,
     * a message is printed to the user. If it is within bounds, the Object at the specific
     * index location is returned.
     * @param index    | The index location of the Object.
     * @return element | The Object at the specific index.
    public Object get(int index) {
        Object element = null;

        // Invariant: 0 <= index < arrayList.length
        try {
            element = this.arrayList[index];
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            System.out.println("The index that you specified is not within bounds.");

        return element;

     * Allows you to get the number of elements currently in the Arraylist.
     * Precondition: The ArrayList object must be instantiated in the user program.
     * Postcondition: Returns the value of the elementsInArray field.
     * @return elementsInArray value.
    public int size() {
        return this.elementsInArray;

     * Tests to see if the Arraylist is empty.
     * Precondition: The ArrayList object must be instantiated in the user program.
     * Postcondition: Returns true if the elementsInArray value is zero meaning that
     * there are zero elements in the arrayList array. Returns false if the
     * elementsInArray value is greater than 0.
     * @return true if empty; false if not
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return this.elementsInArray == 0;

     * A method that sees if a particular object exist in the arrayList
     * Precondition: Must pass a parameter of type Object
     * Postcondition: Passes the ob parameter the find() method. If the
     * find() method returns a value greater than or equal to zero, an
     * object was found and the isIn() method returns true. If the find()
     * method returns -1, no object was found() and the isIn() method
     * returns false.
     * @param ob | The object that the user checks to see if it's in the
     *             arrayList array
     * @return boolean | True if object exists, false otherwise.
    public boolean isIn(Object ob) {
        return find(ob) >= 0;

     * Returns the location of first occurrence of an Object starting from location 0
     * Precondition: Must pass a parameter of type Object.
     * Postcondition: Checks to see if the arrayList array contains the Object n. If
     * it does, the position of the Object is returned. Otherwise, -1 is returned.
     * @param n  | The Object that the method will search for in arrayList
     * @return i | The position of the Object n within the arrayList array
    public int find (Object n) {
        // Invariant: 0 <= i < arrayList.length
        for (int i = 0; i < this.arrayList.length; i++) {
            if (n.equals(this.arrayList[i])) {
                return i;

        return -1;

     * Removes the first occurrence of an Object starting from location 0
     * Preconditon: Must pass the Object n as a parameter to be removed.
     * The Object n should be an element in the arrayList array.
     * Postcondition: The method loops through each of the elements in the
     * arrayList. If the Object exists in the arrayList array, the element
     * at that particular index is set to null. The elementsInArray is
     * decremented by 1. The copyArray() method is called to compact the
     * array again. The method will exit when the first instance of the
     * Object is found.
     * @param n | The Object to be removed from the arrayList array
    public void remove (Object n) {
        // Invariant: 0 <= i < elementsInArray
        for (int i = 0; i < this.elementsInArray; i++) {
            if (n.equals(this.arrayList[i])) {
                this.arrayList[i] = null;
                copyArray(0, "");

     * Checks to see if the arrayList array is full.
     * Precondition: The elementsInArray and arrayList data fields have to be initialized
     * Postcondition: Checks to see if the elementsInArray is equal to the size of the arrayList array. If it is,
     * that means that the arrayList is full. If it's full the method returns true; otherwise, returns false.
     * @return boolean
    private boolean checkIfArrayFull() {
        return this.arrayList.length == this.elementsInArray;

     * Copies the arrayList array to the larger tempArray array. Copies the contents of
     * the tempArray array to the new arrayList array.
     * Precondition: must pass the size that the tempArray will be incremented by. If action
     * is "double" the size will be doubled.
     * Postcondition: The size parameter is passed to the increaseArraySize() method. The
     * method performs the necessary calculations and returns the new array size. The
     * tempArray array is instantiated with the size. A tempElement is set to keep track
     * of the tempArray element position. A for loop tests to make sure that the index of
     * the element, represented as i, is less than the length of the arrayList array. After
     * each loop, i and tempElement variables are incremented by 1. Within the loop body,
     * a check is preformed to see if the current element is an Object or null. If it's null,
     * the tempElement is decremented by 1 and the loop skips the remainder of the code. If
     * it is not null, the tempArray at index tempElement is assigned the value of arrayList
     * at index i.
     *   For example, if index 1 in arrayList is null, the next go around the code may resemble
     *   the following: tempArray[1] = arrayList[2];
     * After the loop, the arrayList array is set to null. It's instantiated as a new Object[]
     * with the size that is the size of the tempArray. The arrayList is assigned assigned the
     * tempArray array.
     * @param size   | Size to increment the new array by.
     * @param action | Tells the increaseArraySize how to process the size.
    private void copyArray(int size, String action) {
        size = increaseArraySize(size, action);

        Object[] tempArray = new Object[size];

        int tempElement = 0;

        // Invariants: 0 <= i < arrayList.length && 0 <= tempElement < arrayList.length
        for (int i = 0; i < this.arrayList.length; i++, tempElement++) {
            if (this.arrayList[i] == null) {

            tempArray[tempElement] = this.arrayList[i];

        this.arrayList = null;
        this.arrayList = new Object[tempArray.length];
        this.arrayList = tempArray;

     * Increases the array size if size positive, decreases if negative.
     * Precondition: Must pass the size parameter of type int.
     * Postcondition: Checks to see if the action parameter is equal to "double". If so,
     * the arrayList length is doubled and stored within the size variable. If not,
     * the arrayList length is incremented by the value passed in the size parameter
     * and stored in the size variable. Size is then returned.
     * @param size | EDIT
     * @param action | EDIT
    private int increaseArraySize(int size, String action) {
        if (action.equals("double")) {
            size = this.arrayList.length * 2;
        } else {
            size = this.arrayList.length + size;

        return size;

What good is the code if you’re not going to test it. We’ll create a Driver class that’s going to test the ArrayList code.

And that’s really all their is too it. With basic Java skills, you too can create your ArrayList data structure.

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