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Ready to End Your Career?
Test scenario: for the next 3 months bring only problems to your boss. Talk about all of the imperfections in the company. State that the organization would be drastically better under different leadership. You won’t last 3 months. Only try the above if you want to be fired.
In Practical Terms, How to Build an App
You know how to write code. You have an idea of what to make and you want to jump into it. It’s a lot more difficult than you think. Not that you don’t have the skills; if you haven’t done it before, it’s going to be a struggle. The reason why it most likely wont succeed is you.
Hindsight is 20/20
When you’re a first time developer, everything is exciting and scary at the same time. You look at your Senior Software Engineering counterparts and wonder if you’ll ever make it to that level. It takes a few years to understand the ins-and-outs of the business.
Developers Death Call: MVP
MVP. No, not Most Valuable Player. In tech-talk, it stands for Minimum Viable Product. It’s something that is such a simple concept, yet everywhere I turn, I run into a roadblock with developers trying to create the next Picasso instead of the simple coloring book.