Navigating life’s choices with wisdom, seeking meaningful impact efficiently As I finished writing my previous article, I thought of something interesting. Why not apply this to my life? So I did. I took the projects that I had and placed them into the grid. There was only one problem: it was too “business-centric.” There was no happiness involvement. I feel like the 2D matrix above should be transformed into a 3D matrix with X = Effort, Y = Impact, and Z = Happiness. At that point, you can accurately plot your personal projects and see how they fit into your

Balancing the value of actions against their costs The Impact vs Effort matrix is a simple yet powerful tool that can be used to prioritize tasks or projects based on their potential impact and the effort required to complete them. The matrix is particularly useful for teams that need to manage their workload effectively and make the best use of their limited resources. It is also known as an Eisenhower matrix, named after former US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who famously said, “I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the