Anonymous Functions Speak Volumes in Code Anonymous functions, or closures, are functions that seem to cause a lot of stress in people’s lives. Let’s simplify this process. An anonymous function is a function without a name. Let’s look at a regular function. A regular function starts with the function keyword and is followed by the function name; the parameters are enclosed inside of parentheses and the function body is enclosed inside of curly braces. <?php function function_name( $parameter_name ) { // body } ?> The anonymous function drops the function name and assigns the function to a variable. <?php $var_name = function ( $parameter_name ) {

Adapting and Performing with Variable Functions PHP supports the concept of variable functions. What that means is that you can append parentheses to a variable and use it as a function call. Although not frequently used, it can be beneficial when you want to call a function dynamically based on the value stored inside of the variable. Let’s just create some examples and see that this is pretty straight forward. We’ll start by creating two functions: subaru() and nissan(). The two functions will echo out different strings. We’ll then create a $car variable and assign a string to it that matches one of the function names: either subaru or nissan. To call

Navigating Code Waters for Treasured Returns Functions can return values: there I said it. When we looked at functions previously, those functions just echoed some string. Although that is one use of a function, functions are more powerful than simply echoing out statements. We can use functions to do something and then return a calculated value to us. That value can then be echoed out or assigned to a variable. To return a value, you will use the return keyword inside of your function. Make sure that the return statement is the last statement inside of your function since PHP will exit the function after the return statement is executed. Let’s look at a

Empowering Coders to Shape Logic their Way Functions can be a difficult topic to grasp if you’re a new programmer. I’m sure you were exposed to functions in math, but do you really understand what the term “function” means? Think about an automotive plant: You bring the materials to the plant. You feed the plant with those materials. The plant takes the materials and somehow produces a car (we’ll be focusing on this one). The plant itself is the  function . If you were an engineer, you would know what machinery needs to go inside of the plant in order